??????????Introduction to PCB Designing and other techniques of circuit designing
??????????Diptrace software guideline
??????????How to download and install the software
??????????Understanding toll bars of software
??????????Creating our schematic captures
??????????Understanding additional tools and shortcut methods
??????????Converting schematic into PCB layout
??????????Units, Traces, Nodes, Vias, Solder Mask & Silk Screen
??????????Single layer and multi layer PCB’s
??????????Jumper wires and soldering
??????????Text edit
??????????Copper pour
??????????Circuit manufacturing at home
??????????Preparing sheet in professional format
??????????Exporting files in gerber format
??????????Exporting files in CSV forat
??????????Exporting files in NC drill format
??????????Creating Components
??????????Adding components in library
??????????Creating pattern for components
??????????Adding patterns to library